Why can't people live in harmony? That's some high hopes looking at how the world today. But we know that at some point, humanity can living in peace no matter what their race or religion. I don't know if it would become reality in the distant future but I know for sure in the past, people did!
Jalan Tukong or Harmony street at night
As I travelled back in Malacca, Malaysia, there was this small street that had several religious house of prays, standing still side by side! The name was Jalan Tukong. Located one block aside of Jonker walk. Literally translated as Goldsmith street, also well known as the Harmony streets because the proximity of several religious buildings. Islam's Mesjid Kampung Kling, Hokkien's Cheng Hoon Temple, Budhism's Xiang Lin Si Temple & Hindu's Sri Poyatha Moorthi Temple.
Mesjid Kampung Kling
Mesjid Kampung Kling
Built byIndianMuslimtradersin 1748, originally was a wooden building and in 1872, it was rebuilt in brick. This mosque is one of the traditional mosques in Malacca, which still retains its original design. The architectural design of the mosque is a cross betweenSumatran, Chinese,Hindu, and the Malacca Malay. Theminaret,ablution pooland entrance arch were built at the same time with the main building.
The minaret resembles a pagoda. The mosque also has a blend of English and Portuguese glazed tiles, Corinthian columns with symmetrical arches in the main prayer hall, a Victorianchandelier, a wooden pulpit with Hindu and Chinese-style carvings, and Moorish cast iron lamp-posts in the place of ablution for pre-prayer cleansing.
The ablution pool is one of the most unique thing you can find here, even for me, as Moslem from the neighboor country. You see, before praying, we should take wudhu or pre-prayer cleansing. Usually done by standing while pouring tap water. But here, there's a pool with plastic buckets to draw the water from the pool, and do the cleansing beside the pool.
Cheng Hoon Teng Temple
Cheng Hoon Teng Temple
Translated as "Temple of Green Cloud" is a Chinese temple practicing the Three Doctrinal Systems of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, served as the main place of worship for local Hoklo (Hokkien) community and now is the oldest functioning temple in Malaysia. Featuring a magnificent main gate at the entrance, the Cheng Hoon Teng temple consists of a complex of several prayer halls, with a large main prayer hall dedicated to the goddess of mercy,Kuan Yin. Additional smaller prayer quarters were added later. One of these is dedicated to the Buddhist gods of wealth, longevity and propagation, while another houses ancestral tablets.
One of the most dramatic features of Cheng Hoon Teng temple is the seven-metre red flag-pole facing the left wing of the main prayer hall, which houses the remains of two of the three Kapitans who contributed to the construction of the temple. Across the road is a traditional opera theatre, which forms a part of the Cheng Hoon Teng temple complex. The building conforms to the principles of feng shui. The complex is laid out to ensure a view of the river and high ground on either side.
Built in 1673 by Kapitan Lee Wei King with building materials imported from China. Then rebuilding in 1801 contributed to the aesthetic and magnificent structural additions of the building. In 1962, then abbot Seck Kim Seng ordained Houn Jiyu-Kennett, a Zen nun from England and the future founder of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, at this temple. In 2003, Cheng Hoon Teng was awarded a UNESCO award for outstanding architectural restoration.
Xiang Lin Si Temple
Xing Lian Si Temple
This temple is a Buddhist temple located just the opposite of Cheng Hoon Teng. This double-storey temple follows Mahayana Buddhism, one of the three main branches of Buddhism along with Theravāda and Vajrayāna. The second floor of the temple is a convenient spot for capturing scenic photos of its neighbouring Taoist temple Cheng Hoon Teng and the rest of the "Harmony Street". It also kept a complete collection of the Pali Canon, a religious scripture of Buddhism. Sri Poyatha Moorthi Temple
Sri Poyatha Moorthi Temple
Sri Poyatha Moorthi Temple is the oldest Hindu temple in Malaysia,one of the few existing Chitty temples in Malaysia and one of the oldest functioning Hindu temples in Maritime Southeast Asia. Built by Thavinayagar Chitty, the leader of the Chitty people, in 1781 after the Dutch colonial government of Malacca gave him a plot of land. The temple is dedicated to Vinayagar or Ganesha, the elephant deity.In the back room is a sculpture of the deity with the head of an elephant and the body of a man with four hands. There is another altar dedicated to Lord Muruga, the younger brother of Lord Vinayagar.
There are three Rathams made of wood with lovely carvings of Indian Deities, and dating back some 200 years. The Rathams are maintained in good condition and kept in the temple grounds. One Ratham is for Lord Ganesha, one for Lord Subramaniar Swamy, and one for Lord Rama Swamy. They are used during festive seasons drawn by bullocks and are lighted with decorative lamps making them look beautiful at night.
Check more information here in my video!
Isn't strange that our ancestor have the living proof that they can living co-exist with others? Why can't we?
Pernah galau ga ketika mau bikin visa? Salah satu persyaratannya (biasanya) kan ada tiket flight PP tuh. Nah tapi kan belum tentu visanya diterbitkan. Jangan-jangan abis beli tiket (yang ga murah tentunya) eeh, malah ditolak visanya. Tiket hangus. Asem ga? Have you ever perplexed whenever you want to apply for a Visa? One of the requirements is round-trip flight tickets. Unfortunately, with the tickets in hand, not guarantee that your visa will be accepted. Worst case scenario, your visa denied and the tickets are forfeited. Boohoo... Alangkah indahnya kalau bisa ngebooking tiket doang, ga perlu bayar dulu. Bayarnya belakangan setelah visanya jadi. Nah, kegalauan ini gw rasain banget kemaren pas mau buat visa ke Eropah. Duit pas-pasan banget, kalau ditolak kan ancur hati dompet gw! Alhasil, gw pun melakukan riset secara online (tanya mbah gugel) gimana solusi untuk kegalauan gw. What will bring joy to this sad confused fella is if there is any way you could book a ticket (a
“Gua mau ke Jepang!” “Kapan?” “ 3 minggu lagi!” “Buset, ujug-ujug? Udah bikin persiapan apa aja? Itinerary lu udah? Mau ke mana aja di sana?” “Belum ada persiapan, belum ada itinerary, dan belum tau mau ke mana! Hahahhaaaa” Kira-kira gitu percakapan gua ke temen-temen gua, H-3minggu sebelum berangkat ke Jepang. Well , gua sii anaknya kumaha engke weh lah . Gimana tar di sana. Biasanya gitu. Tapi, karena ini pertama kali ke Jepang, dan gua tahu kurs Rupiah di bawahnya Yen, maka gua ga boleh terlalu woles . Jadi, gua kudu bikin itinerary lah. At least, ada patokan. Nah, kalau mau bikin itinerary, tentu harus cari tahu dulu mau ke mana aja. Gua si, searching di blog-blog, forum atau lihat di Trip Advisor. Gua kumpulin tuh, spot-spot yang direkomendasikan. “Terus, kalau udah kekumpul, gimane?” Nah, dikelompokin deh, spot-spot mana aja yang berdekatan. Dari situ, bisa kelihatan, kan, gimana ngatur waktu dan budget biar efisien. Gimana cara ngelompokinnya?
*Tulisan ini merupakan rangkaian perjalanan gua backpacking ke Jepang, 9 hari, 9 kota, 8 juta rupiah. Dan ini kelanjutan perjalanan gua setelah sebelumnya nginap di KLIA2 . Akhirnya, tiba juga di Haneda. Sebelumnya, di KL gua demam. Udah was-was, jangan sampai liburan terhambat gara-gara sakit. Pas sampai di Haneda, langsung hilang demamnya! YESSS!!! Sebelum kaki gua nginjek tanah di luar bandara, gua belum officially menyentuh negara tersebut. At least, itu yang ada di benak gua. Karena tiba jam 22.30, akhirnya gua terpaksa bersabar meski sangat excited ! Turun dari pesawat, masuk ke area imigrasi. Dag-dig-dug juga ditanyain banyak, dari nginap dimana, itinerary sampai tiket baliknya. Untung petugasnya kawaii , jadi sedikit ga nervous . Akhirnya paspor gua dicap, keluar di area umumnya. Seperti sebelumnya di KLIA2, gua keliling dulu untuk survey dan cuci mata, sekalian cari makan. Menurut gua, bandara ini ga sebesar KLIA2 yang udah kayak mall, di mana tenant yang jua
Setelah seharian yang melelahkan kemaren, akhirnya hari berganti juga. Gw terbangun, masih dalam realita, di dalam ruangan penuh orang di hostel yang ga reccommended ini. Tapi satu hal yang pasti, hari ini gw kudu cari tahu apa yang perlu gw lakuin kalo kehilangan dompet beserta isinya di luar negeri. ----- Artikel ini merupakan rangkaian perjalanan solo backpacking gua keliling ASEAN selama kurang lebih sebulan. Prologue-nya udah gua tulis di sini , kenapa gua melakukan solo travelling seperti ini. Day 1 , Day 2 di Melaka, Day 3 di Phnom Penh , Day 4 perjalanan ke Siem Reap , Day 5 keliling Angkor Wat , Day 6 Killing Field Siem Reap , Day 7 nyeberang perbatasan Kamboja-Vietnam lewat darat. Day 8 keliling Saigon dan masuk ke War Remnant Museum , Day 9 main ke Vietnam Traditional Medicine Museum and then Stranded at Old Quarter Hanoi in the middle of the night. That night, enjoyed Hanoi Old Quarter, Car Free Day & Weekend Market. Day 11 gw kejebak
Yang namanya travelling, biasanya bawa pulang segudang cerita. Dari cerita yang seru, unik, ngeselin, sampe menyeramkan! Yap, kali ini gua mau share cerita yang menyeramkan. Bukan digangguin makhluk halus, tapi digangguin makhluk yang lebih halus lagi!!! Hahahaaa... Kejadiannya di Bangkok, sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu. Waktu itu emang sering bolak-balik Bangkok untuk bisnis trip. Hotelnya terletak di daerah Sukhumvit, lebih tepatnya di Sukhumvit Soi 2. Dari sini tinggal jalan kaki ke kantor di Wave Place Building, samping Central Embassy, mall baru (waktu itu belum soft opening) yang isinya branded item semua. Di Sukhumvit Soi 2 ini banyak hotel-hotel berbintang, salah satunya JW Mariot. Nah, satu blok di sebelah Sukhumvit Soi 2, ada Nana Tai Soi, yang kalau dari jalan utama (Sukhumvit Road) isinya bar dan pub. Tiap malam pasti rame deh di sini. Hotel gua, Lohas Suites, emang pintu depannya di Sukhumvit Soi 2, tapi ada pintu belakang langsung ke Nana Tai Soi. Kalau mau ke sevel, gua b
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