
How to Get to Malacca from KL, Vice Versa

Malacca City -sometimes spelled Melaka, Malaka or Malacca- is the capital city of the Malaysian State of Malacca. It is the oldest Malaysian city on the straits of Malacca, thus offering tourists some old style buildings and its heritages. In 2008, it was listed -together with George Town in Penang- as UNESCO World Heritage for its long history. Currently, the city rely on tourism, so you may expect some friendly tourist neighborhood here.   Those are valid reasons to pay a visit to Malacca. The only downside is, it is accessible only by plane or bus. No trains heading there. But don't worry, if you have extra time in KL (and you must!) then hop on the bus and enjoy the 1,5 hours ride! Most of the buses are cozy, with good aircon and no bumpy roads all along the way. It is quite easy, follow these steps: P.S. Better go to Malacca at the weekend. Since they will have Jonker Walk Night Market, only from Friday to Sunday night. IF you are already in KL Go to TBS ...

Pass App, Local Online Ride-Hailing in Phnom Penh

  You guys know Uber right? The ride hailing app that transforms the way we're using phones & transportation. In Indonesia, we have Gojek, similar with Uber but for motor bike taxi. You may knows Grab as well, Gojek's competitor. Well, in Phnom Penh, I was surprised that they have similar app like Gojek. But specifically for Tuk-Tuk. Both kinds of tuk-tuks are available: the 3 wheeled tuk-tuk, perfect for maximum 3 persons if y'all slim enough, or the cart pulled motor tuk-tuk for more than 4 (sometimes locals abuse it until 8) persons. The cart pulled motor tuk-tuk is KHR4.000 (or equal $1) per kilometer and the 3 wheeled tuk-tuk is KHR3.000 per kilometer (even cheaper!) I love to use this app whenever I'm in Cambodia. No hassle, no bargaining, just input your pick-up and drop off location, then they will come. You just pay the amount of price shown after the tuk-tuk drop you off. I usually use it when I need to go to the airport fast, or early in the m...

Day 2 - Mesjid Selat Melaka

Artikel ini merupakan rangkaian perjalanan  solo backpacking  gua keliling ASEAN selama kurang lebih sebulan. Prologue-nya udah gua tulis  di sini ,  dan Day 1 di Melaka di sini . And this is  Day 2 , my Journey in Melacca, Malaysia . --UPDATE-- ketika gw nulis ini, gw udah 3 kali mengexplore Melaka. Setelah tidur dengan nyenyak (bahkan ngorok, kalik) karena kemarin jalan hampir seharian, gw bangun dan jogging (aseek) melalui pedestrian walk di sepanjang pinggir sungai Melaka. Kali ini gw berjalan ke arah hulu, menjauh dari Jonker. Ada beberapa view yang menarik loh! (kiri) Mangrove di bantaran sungai Melaka, lokasinya di depan The Shore Mall (kanan) Kampung Morten, di seberang the Shore Mall. Perkampungan dengan bangunan bergaya melayu tradisional Selesai jogging, gw sarapan di restoran hostel. Mayan, dapat roti, buah, teh dan kopi! Sambil gugling destinasi menarik lainnya di Melaka, mumpung ada wifi gratis juga di sini. Jadi, destinasi...

Day 1 - Explore Melaka

Artikel ini merupakan rangkaian perjalanan solo backpacking gua keliling ASEAN selama kurang lebih sebulan. Prologue-nya udah gua tulis di sini , kenapa gua melakukan solo travelling seperti ini. And this is Day 1 , my Journey in Melacca, Malaysia . --UPDATE-- ketika gw nulis ini, gw udah 4 kali mengexplore Melaka. I had no expectation regarding this city . Cuma pernah denger, katanya bagus, dan salah satu destinasi wisata yang keren, buat backpacker pun asik. Nah, menarik kan. Makanya gua rencanain, berangkat lebih cepat ke KL 3 hari sebelum penerbangan KL-Phnom Penh. Gua dapat tiket JKT-KL sekitar 200an. Mayan pisan ! Hari itu hari kamis, gua berangkat dari Jakarta dan tiba tengah malam di KLIA2, sekitar jam 23.30-an. Imigrasi saat itu lagi sepi banget, jadi ga sampe 5 menit, ga ditanyain apapun, passport udah di Stamp. Bagi yang sering naik pesawat Low Cost Carrier (LCC) pasti udah ga asing dengan KLIA2 ini. Gua pun udah sering nginap di bandara ini. Nih, tips-tips bua...